(重點聲明事項) Warning

According to laws and regulations in Taiwan, you are required to take quarantine after entry and abide by the following requirements:
  1. 入境旅客應進行居家檢疫,以自宅或親友住所1人1室(單獨房間含獨立衛浴設備)為原則。居家檢疫解除後,請繼續自主防疫 4 天。
    Inbound travelers must undergo quarantine at home or a residence of a family or friend and abide by the principle of one person per room (an individual room with a separate bathroom). If the principle of one person per room cannot be followed, travelers must quarantine in a quarantine hotel. After your home quarantine period ends, please practice self-initiated epidemic prevention for 4 days.
  2. 抵臺後請全程佩戴口罩,儘速前往預先安排之檢疫地點且不得搭乘大眾運輸。搭乘防疫車隊、入住防疫旅宿時,請主動出示本通知書收執聯。
    After arriving in Taiwan, please wear a face mask all the time and go to pre-arranged quarantine location as soon as possible. Do not take public transportation. Please present this notice voluntarily upon getting in a designated transport vehicle and checking in at the quarantine hotel.
  3. 留在檢疫地點中不外出,亦不得出境或出國。
    Stay at quarantine location; do not go outside or go abroad.
  4. 自主詳實記錄體溫及健康狀況及配合必要之關懷追蹤機制(包含持臺灣手機門號進行個人活動範圍之電子監督,該等個人資料沿用至自主防疫期滿,並於結束後28天銷毀)。
    Please record your body temperature and health status, and cooperate with caring and tracking measures (including using Taiwan’s cell phone signals to implement electronic monitoring of your location; such personal data will continue to be used until the expiration of self-initiated epidemic prevention period and will be destroyed 28 days after the end of that period).
  5. 如有發燒、咳嗽、腹瀉、嗅味覺異常或其他任何身體不適,請佩戴醫用口罩,主動與當地衛生局聯繫或免費使用 24 小時視訊諮詢 APP「健康益友」,依指示儘速就醫,且禁止搭乘大眾運輸工具就醫;如有緊急醫療需求,可撥打 119 就醫,以 119 救護車為原則或指示之防疫計程車、同住親友接送或自行前往(如步行、自行駕/騎車)等方式為輔。
    If you have symptoms such as fever, cough or other discomfort, please put on a medical mask, contact with the local health authorities or use the Eucare App, which provides free 24-hour video consultation services to obtain instructions on seeking medical attention. Do not take public transportation when you go to the hospital. If you need emergency medical care during quarantine, you are advised to call 119 for an ambulance, take a quarantine taxi, or have a relative or friend drive you to seek medical attention or seek medical attention by yourself (e.g. walking or driving/riding).

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